Та, сега за тези бутилки, понеже по Коледа изпихме това червено вино, душа не ми даде да ги захвърля на боклука и затова, ето ги:
As I promised , today I will post some bottles I aged . Ordinary bottles of red wine , to be more precise .. I may have shared this before, but my passion is to decorate , and to recycle items that are frankly for disposal . It gives me great pleasure , the challenge to try, and I feel really happy is I success to do something beautiful out of trash . Maybe it not always became as work of art , but many times the items are starting to look pretty decent :)So now, these bottles left after we drinked on Christmas red wine, I simply couldn't throw them in the garbage , so , here they are :
Преди празниците подарих три подобни бутилки, и сега реших, че е момента да направя и за себе си:)
Before the holidays I gifted three similar bottles, and now I decided it was time to do these for myself :)
Принтовете са едни от любимите ми черно бели етикети....
The black and white prints are one of my favorite ....
И с неизменните релефи...
And my favourite raised designs ...
И отблизо "Le grand magazin" - Paris...
And near shot "Le grand magazin" - Paris...
Принт с ключ, и невероятна орнаментика отстрани...
Printed key, and near ornaments are amazing ...
Също и тук орнаментиката си струва, прекрасна е...
Here are other ornaments....
Принт с дантела и доукрасяване с релеф...
Lace print and embellishment with a relievo...
И на втората бутилка същото...
The same on the next bottle...
Отблизо и горната част...Исках да изпипам всички детайли...
Closely the top ... I wanted to neat all the details ...
На тази бутилка загубих най-много време, докато ръчно рисувам тези орнаменти -решетка, но пък стана ...супер...
I lost most time with this bottle the , because of these hand painted ornaments-grid, but became ... super ...
Сега ще им се порадвам малко, а после сигурно ще последват кутията от предния пост и ще отидат в Etsy:)
Много бих се радвала, ако съм ви доставила тази радост, като ги разглеждате, която аз изпитвах, докато ги правя:)
Now I will enjoy them a bit, then surely with the vintage box from the previous post, they will all go to Etsy :)
I would love if I've delivered you so much joy while viewing them, as I felt while doing them :)
I'm linking with:
www.savvysouthernstyle.net http://jannolson.blogspot.com http://www.thevintagefarmhouse.com/ http://petitemichellelouise.blogspot.com//

Здравейте, бутилките , както и всички Ваши неща са великолепни. Не спирам да Ви се възхищавам. Бъдете все така креативна и творческа!
ОтговорИзтриванеДиляна Бурназова
Здравей, Диляна, благодаря много за хубавите думи, писах ти отговор и по email:)Целувки, Маринела
ИзтриванеHi Martinel -
ОтговорИзтриванеYour bottle creations are amazing! These are the most beautiful bottles I've ever seen. The graphics and the designs you've created are simply gorgeous. I love to reuse something that's destined for the trash and create a little work of art.
Thank you for sharing your incredible transformation.
Blessings, Edie Marie
ОтговорИзтриванеThese bottles are beautiful!
Your bottles are beautiful!
ОтговорИзтриванеthey are lovely and very much worth collecting thanks for sharing I'm lorraine at http://lorrainesresources.blogspot.com visiting from thrifty groove have a great day
ОтговорИзтриванеThese bottles are just beautiful! Love what you have done with them. Thank you for sharing at TTF!
ОтговорИзтриванеThese bottles are gorgeous! Love them!
ОтговорИзтриванеThe bottles are very pretty, and your photography of them, showing the details, is great! -Dawn @ We Call It Junkin.com
ОтговорИзтриванеBeautiful work!
ОтговорИзтриванеLove your creations! Simply beautiful.
ОтговорИзтриванеNice old bottles!
ОтговорИзтриванеI am also a member of ECS. I have never seen bottles so gorgeous before, absolutely stunning!! Maybe sometime you could share with us how you make them on the ECS Blog.
ОтговорИзтриванеHuggs, Nancy coeurdalenegifts(at)yahoo(dot)com
Beautiful, love that pewter color!!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеYour bottles are so pretty!
ОтговорИзтриванеIt gives you great pleasure to create these Martinel and it gives us great pleasure to see your amazing work! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Gorgeous and so creative. Love all the detail. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty
ОтговорИзтриванеBeautiful transformation Martinel. I love all the detail.
ОтговорИзтриванеHi Martinel, your creations are always beautiful and full of vintage charm! A hug. Paola from http://ilpaeseincantato.blogspot.it/