The fact is, that I am overwhelmed by the decorations for Valentine's Day ... last evening, for example, after work, rather than sitting down and watching a little TV, as may have to do, I sat down to do ... hearts ... different options :)
От тънка тел и червени мъниста (From thin wire and red beads):
просто ги нанизах, и накрая завъртях краищата едно за друго...
(I just strung them, and finally tucked the ends one to another)Easy...:)
остана ми малко тел, и от нея се получи това (I had a little wire left, and it get this:):
е, като за първи път, не е перфектно....няма да ме критикувате:)
It is for the first time,and it is not perfect..LOVE ....but do not criticize me :)Not difficult..
(Then from clay, with heart shape, I cut out hearts, and while the clay was still soft, made lace print:):
а след това оцветих тези сърца
(then I colored these hearts):
В същия цвят като новата ми украса за стена, нанизани са с тънка тел, позволява да се поставят и извиват на всякакви места и всевъзможни положения:)
(The same color as my new wall decoration, they are strung with thin wire, and this allows to place and to twist this garland to all sorts of places :) Easy...
може би трябваше да ги оставя напълно бели...но сега съм напълно полудяла по този цвят и не можах да се спра да не ги оцветя в избеляло кафяво:)
(Maybe I should have left them completely white ... but now I'm completely crazy about this color and I could not stop myself from coloring everything in faded brown :)
Вдъхновението продължава, бъдете щастливи, усмихнати и влюбени:)
Inspiration continues, be happy, smilе and ever in love :)
I'm linking with:

They are all very nice. I love the red bead heart. Visiting thru Thursdays Favorite Things Hop
ОтговорИзтриванеThe faded brown heart garland is so pretty.
ОтговорИзтриванеMore beautiful hearts! Love all your creations! Thanks for sharing at TTF!
ОтговорИзтриванеLove is always perfect Martinel! lol! I have been wanting to make some of those clay hearts. Your beaded ones are so sweet also. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
The hearts are very beautiful.
ОтговорИзтриванеLove your hearts and the wire "love". Gorgeous. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty
ОтговорИзтриванеThey are very pretty. Love the clay with the lace print, and I like that you strung them on wire so you can twist them around. Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a lovely week! ~Deborah
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat charming hearts you created, Martinel! So sweet!
ОтговорИзтриванеxoxo laurie
I love an easy project especially one that's so lovely!