
вторник, 25 март 2014 г.

Букет от хартиени цветя

През изминалата седмица се сблъсках с няколко предизвикателства, едно от които-да направя голям букет от хартиени цветя, за рожден ден...
Last week I encountered several challenges, one of which was to make a big bouquet of paper flowers for a birthday ..
Използвах ярки, свежи цветове, защото е пролет, и защото имах такова настроение...
I used bright, fresh colors, because it's a spring, and because I had in such a mood ...
букета е направен от 4 големи цветя, в които и около които са вградени още 10 по-малки...
the bouquet  is made of 4 large flowers, in which are embedded  about 10 more smaller flowers.

изглед отгоре, и от всички страни:
view from the top, and from all sides:
И честита пролет, приятели:)
And Happy Spring, friends :)
 I'm linking in:

www.savvysouthernstyle.net http://jannolson.blogspot.com http://www.thevintagefarmhouse.com/ http://petitemichellelouise.blogspot.com// http://www.frommyfrontporchtoyours.com/ http://www.timewashed.com/ http://romantichome.blogspot.com/ http://www.jenniferrizzo.com/ http://www.shabbynest.blogspot.com/ http:// http://www.commonground-do.com/ http://rootedinthyme.blogspot.com/ http://www.thecottagemarket.com/ http://confessionsofaplateaddict.blogspot.com/ http://www.knickoftimeinteriors.blogspot.com/ http://www.cozylittlehouse.com/ http://www.astrollthrulife.net/ http://mariaelenasdecor.blogspot.com/ http://www.notjustahousewife.net/ http://nominimalisthere.blogspot.com/ linda-coastalcharm.blogspot.com http://etsycottagestyle.blogspot.com http://betweennapsontheporch.net www.dwellings-theheartofyourhome.com http://piecedpastimes.blogspot.com/ http://rosevignettes.blogspot.com/2014/02/fresh-cut-friday-february.html

6 коментара:

  1. Your paper bouquet is marvellous and i love the colours

  2. I love paper flowers. I used to make tissue paper flowers when I was a teenage girl.
    Visiting today from Common Ground.

  3. Страхотен букет!Вдъхва свежо пролетно настроение!!
    Поздрави!Страхотен блог!вече съм твой член ;)

  4. Beautiful bouquet! Love the colors! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  5. I love how you used two colors on these. The are really beautiful! Thank you for sharing them and your beautiful painted lace at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a lovely weekend! ~Deborah
